From 18Th to 20th February 2020 took place in Genoa, by the Sport Federation Home the Kick-off meeting of the project “T&F4ALL – Track & Field, a race towards the future: inclusion in sport of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds” co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project involves 8 partners from 7 different countries and S.S. TRIONFO LIGURE, from Genoa, is the Lead partner. The other Partners are DRPDNM from Slovenia, MUNICIPALITY OF PEGEIA in Cypro, IZGEM from Turkey, INTERCULTURA from Romania, GESEME from Spain, EFA from Italy and COLLEGIUM BALTICUM from Poland. With the kick-off Meeting the first activities of the project has been started. The main goal is to build a social integration model for young people with disadvantaged backgrounds through sport, building a path from their own communities to the track and field arenas, through a training that begins in the street and ends on the running track.
The project has been submitted in April 2019, started with the Kick of meeting in Genoa and it goes on for 30 months. It involves young people from 12 to 24 years old and it plans to organize some events in the different countries. The sport training model will be tested along the project’s life and the results will be collected in guidelines that can be disseminated in all European territory.
The meeting has been opened by the National President of Athletics Italian Federation, Mr Alfio Giomi, who explained that the Federation is very interesting in this experience because it believed that the future is in this direction and the Federation will be an mindful observer about the intellectual outputs of the project, that can be transferred in other similar situation. He expressed his satisfaction and wished all the best to the partnership. In the first phase, from February to end July, the project realizes the first milestone:
- State of art: research and analysis on models and experiences of educational projects with young people on the street to homogenize European knowledge and reference standards;
- From theory to praxis: study and adaptation of track and field disciplines for the implementation on the streets.
During the meeting the partnership discussed methodologies and tasks in order to obtain the previewed objectives.
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